How to choose a cost-effective and effective remedy for nail fungus on the feet

Nail fungus (onychomycosis). by viruses, such as in the swimming pool or the Sauna, the sports hall and on the beach The disease is accompanied by a severe itching and lesions of the skin and of the nail. Gradually, the disease leads to the fact that the nail is destroyed plate. To avoid this, a timely treatment, for you the most effective modern Dröge helps. It is desirable, cost-effective solution for the pick up, since the process of the therapy of onychomycosis lasts a long time.


Onychomycosis and its symptoms

Athlete's foot is a disease that is not life-threatening for the people, but accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and for the removal of the nail plate. As a result of the defeat of the nails become brittle, loose and very susceptible to any infections. The disease occurs after infection with various species of fungi. Onychomycosis develops a long, since the fungus needs a certain amount of time to settle down on the nails. Usually, the disease homeopath is destroyed and on the nails first on the big toes and gradually. Then the disease spreads to others, and the whole foot.

Symptoms of the disease are:

  • Thickening of the nails due to the increased keratinization of the tissue;
  • gradual change pink color of the nails to yellow and then to brown or black;
  • Destruction of the nail plate by the spread of the fungus over its entire thickness;
  • Itching of the skin around the damaged nail;
  • bad smell.

Effective and cheap tablets against nail fungus. Medicinal products against mould with high efficiency. All drugstore products, which Stop for the treatment of powdery mildew can be divided into two large groups, depending on the application:

  • to include the external means of ointments, creams, Sprays and lacquers, the local therapy of the damaged nail;
  • to rank the drugs, internal use drugs in pills and capsules, they have antifungal effects on the body as a whole.

Since the drugs act on a specific type of pathogen, it is important, prior to treatment, a diagnosis. This will help make the right effective means of. On the question of which medication you choose to prefer for dealing with onychomycosis and what are the pharmaceutical companies, a clear answer can not be. Fungal infection is caused by various pathogens. Therefore, drugs that show a high degree of efficiency against a fungus, can be powerless against the other. Preferably, drug Administration, should the dermatologists recommend, after thorough investigation and analysis of the study. Optionally, as an additional treatment used the resources of the traditional medicine can be.

The group of the azole rings,

In this preparation against onychomycosis, the most important active substances anilides of benzoic acid. They act in two directions:

  • destroy exposed to the cell structure of the fungus by fungicide;
  • the multiplication of the pathogen to prevent, by fungistatic action.

Drugs mouldy to this group effective to cope with yeast, microbial, and fungi. You give in the Form of capsules for internal ingestion in the Form of ointments and creams for topical application. The external agent for rubbing into the infected parts of the nail by the fungus and the skin to dampen after the previous stop. The capsules should be consumed on doctor's prescription. Depending on the severity of the disease, the duration of the course from 2 weeks to several months.

Group allilaminov

Resources for the topical treatment, the recommended to this category of antifungals, when the disease made, less than half of the nail surface and had no Matrix. In other cases, the systemic therapy of the disease with the help of drugs for internal use shows. The agents of this group are good with onychomycosis symptoms, relieve the itching, eliminates flaking and burning. It is recommended against mouldy fungi, Candida, and dermatophytes. From external use, you will need to SNiP off necessarily make soapy foot Spa, steam the skin and the damaged areas of the nail plate. The course of treatment for a very long time — 6 months.

Group, morpholino

In this preparation of active current component is amorolfine. It destroys the cell membranes of fungi, the ability to suppress reproduction, and reduces their ability to live. . An expensive drug is in the Form of lacquer that is applied to the damaged nail. This Form allows you to simultaneously influence on the fungus and protect healthy tissue to protect against infection. One-time application of the paint is enough for 10 days continuous exposure. Depending on the severity of the disease, the treatment can take up to a year. In the box, with the exception of the treatment of paint, contains 12 disposable napkins, so a lot of nail files and 6 applicators for easy and rapid application. The drug is characterized by a high degree of efficiency. The only disadvantage is the small volume of the bottle. To fix with his help, symptoms of infection, is sufficient one-time treatment. But for a complete cure of the infection, you should this means in the course of the year, on a regular basis. Medications, the group moravenov characterized by high efficiency. You are able to quickly penetrate deep to eliminate the nail plate and pathogens. The duration of treatment was 9 months to 1 year. Get rid of many types of fungi. After applying to the damaged nail plate, therapeutic effect starts after two days. The treatment takes a long time. Even after the complete disappearance of the symptoms, the product should still be 2 weeks.

Serums and Sprays

These funds do not belong to the main groups of antifungal agents, but have a high level of performance. Use a Spray or Serum to be convenient, they are also much cheaper medical coatings. Complete with medication a pair of disposable in the rule-saws, the it to clean the surface of the nail plate before using the Tools. Medicines in this Form are characterized by good penetration ability, so fast that the cell structure of the fungus can destroy. Some solutions are suitable for the processing of shoes. It includes undecylenic acid, the antimikoticeski and antisepticheskoe actions. The drug needs to you. to the damaged areas 2-3 times per day until it grows back completely healthy nail The advantage of this tool in its high efficiency, but it can not be used for the treatment of children up to 2 years.

Safe medicines for pregnant women

Due to the high toxicity of many effective antifungal pregnant women not be used. Almost all of these drugs have many side effects, dangerous for the health of the fetus. Therefore, it is important that pregnant women begin the treatment of onychomycosis as early as possible. Then Thérapie the application of restricted safe drugs, local measures.

Other cheap and effective means of

The cost of drugs is not the last factor that the selection of the patients. The treatment of onychomycosis — a lengthy process, so you need a pack to get rid of the symptoms of the disease. In addition to the already described means of nail fungus on the feet, popular with the well-known pharmaceutical preparation . He has otslaivanie effect and can gradually delete the damaged disease nail. It should be applied prior to steaming on the nail plate. It is important to make sure that the cream came to the skin. To this end, we recommend sealing your paving. After applying the agent, the binder, and should keep it 3 days. To remove otsloiwschijessja the areas of the nail. Some antifungal drugs can be used as an ointment or solution. They are effective agents against many types of disease. Such funds should be spread with a thin layer on the surface of the damaged skin and lightly rubbed. The duration of treatment is 3 to 4 months. Where you can with this preparation, even pregnant women, but with the second Trimester. How to fix fungus in the early phase of its spread can be with a solution of iodine. To do this, you must around the Mediterranean twice per day on the damaged surface and the healthy skin around it. Dosage — 1 drop on each nail plate. In addition, you should have the bath, to be dissolved in 1 Liter of hot water 1 tbsp. L. salt, and baking powder. The good result of the application of the baths with the addition of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide:

healthy nails
  • 1 Part Of Ammonium Chloride;
  • 1 Part Hydrogen Peroxide;
  • 3 Parts Of Water.

To connect components in a shallow container and let the feet for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the skin should be dry, do not rinse.

Folk remedies against nail fungus

The use of drugs from the list of compositions of alternative medicine can not be used as a full-fledged method of treatment of onychomycosis, but their use is carried out for the treatment at home. The folk remedies will help to reduce the intensity of unpleasant symptoms and improve the well-being of the patient. Prior to the use of such methods of treatment of the fungus should be by a dermatologist for advice. The assigned doctor, and pick up a drug therapy is not possible.

Baking powder

This product is used as a basis for Pasta, or medical baths. Soda diluted with a little water and apply on the nail plate. After a few minutes, the surface of a disc polishing fresh lemon. The mixture is left for 5 minutes, a chemical reaction between baking soda and citric acid, what is a characteristic of the hiss is. Foot bath, 1 TL tin of warm water and stirring in 5 L, and place the feet for 15 minutes.


Another product that is ideal for the destruction of the fungal infection. For dealing with onychomycosis is not normal vinegar, and Apple juice is recommended. He has a good antibacterial effect and is useful for the relief of itching. To foot the baths, Apple cider vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. For compress 1 tablespoon of mix. L. Apple cider vinegar and 3 drops of iodine. Fluid moistens the conjunctiva and is on the damaged nails. A minimum of a compress, hold for 3 hours, but for best effect it is recommended that you leave it over night.

Another recipe:

  • 3 egg whites from chicken eggs;
  • equal to the extent of the number of medical alcohol;
  • equal to the circumference of the quantities of vinegar.

Preparation and application:

  • Proteins mix thoroughly with alcohol, vinegar, type.
  • Swab of cotton wool and gauze resulting liquid soak.
  • Fasten the infected nail, patch fix.
  • Wrap the foil up and implement warm socks.
  • The all-night hold.


It is another useful tool in the fight with onychomycosis. For the infection, no drink, but a piece of the fungus is used:

  • Part of the fungus from films and Multiquick stick blender to clean porridge. This Tool massage into the skin in the affected areas. The method was up to 3 times a day.
  • A compress on the damaged nail with a tea fungus. About Roll-up Film, and its thickness socks. Hold the middle of the night.

Application of Kombucha gradually leads to flaking of the damaged parts of the nail and stimulates growth of healthy tissue.

Garlic or onions

The anti bacterial properties of these Can help against fungal infection. For the treatment enough to chop a small onion or a clove of garlic in the slurry, combine with the Butter, and RUB in the affected area. You do this procedure you must be in the evening hours. Pre-legs raspariwajut Soda in to the bathtub.

The good result of the application of the bath with the juice of garlic:

  • 1 part garlic juice;
  • 10 Parts Of Water;
  • 1 part of the medical alcohol.

Must components together in the shallow end of the pool and place it in the liquid of the foot. The procedure should be three times a day for 5 minutes.

Propolis Tincture

The healing allow the properties of this product of beekeeping, in order to get rid of many diseases. Efficient application of the tincture of Propolis, by you to the damaged fungal nails. You can also make the bathroom, by in 1 Liter of hot water 1 tbsp. L. alcohol-or oil-Infusion. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. After that, you need to otsloiwschijessja remove the skin or nails, dry your skin and wear cotton socks.


This is another popular home remedies to quickly get rid of fungal infection of the nails. Your toxic juice destroys the cell structure of the fungus and suppresses the ability to reproduce. Celandine can be individually as well as together with other medicinal plants in the Form of decoctions, tinctures or oils.

Ingredients for tinctures:

  • 100 G of fresh juice of the plant;
  • 100 Grams Of Vodka.

Preparation and use:

  • Squeezed juice combine with vodka in a glass Container.
  • Survive 7 days in a darkened room.
  • Applying the funds to the Pre-steamed out of the legs.
  • Repeat the process three times a day.

Broth Celandine:

  • 20 G of dry grass;
  • 1 Liter Of Water.

Preparation and use:

  • You connect components together and place on low heat.
  • Wait until boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  • Give the broth to cool and conveyor belt Hack through the gauze.
  • Half dilute with water.
  • Do not immerse the feet in the tub for 30 minutes.

Essential oils of plants

For the treatment of onychomycosis oily plant extracts and extracts from plants is recommended. Particularly effective for this purpose tea tree oil, celandine, lemon, cinnamon, pine, clove, oregano, lavender, thyme, rosemary. Essential oils in pure form applied to the skin. You mix with the base oils: coconut, olive, Jojoba oil or sunflower oil must. Mix process only the damaged areas of the skin and nails. A healthy Epidermis is applied is impossible, how can start the itch and burn.